Node field token to template Drupal 8/9
Another small post on the topic of the customization of the template of Drupal.
Suppose we have a separate content type for contact data. It is a thing when we process them through a custom module, but if we need to bring out only one or two fields in the pattern will help us a small post in the topic file theme-name.theme.
function theme-name_preprocess(&$variables, $hook) { $contacts_page = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('node')->load(2); $phone = $contacts_page->field_phone->value; $phone_clean = str_replace([' ','(',')','-'], '', $phone); $email = $contacts_page->field_email->value; $variables['phones'] = $phone; $variables['phones_clean'] = $phone_clean; $variables['email'] = $email; }
In this example, the node id 2 we take the phone number and e -mail that we can bring out in the nodes in the pattern.
For example, we need to display a link to your node--node-type.html.twig phone and mail:
<a href="tel:{{ phones_clean }}">{{ phones }}</a> <a href="mailto:{{ email }}">{{ email }}</a>