Brussels Sprouts With Warm Bacon Pomegranate Dressing

Enhance your next gathering with a side dish featuring thinly sliced Brussels sprouts tossed in a smoky bacon and pomegranate juice dressing. The dish is brightened with the addition of pomegranate arils - the seeds encased in juicy pulp. For convenience, you can find fresh arils pre-packaged in the produce section, already removed from the pomegranate.

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Час підготовки
Час приготування


12 slices bacon
1 tablespoon flour
3/4 cup beef stock
1/4 cup pomegranate juice
2 teaspoons sugar
1 teaspoon Chardonnay Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon organic thyme leaves
1/2 teaspoon organic garlic powder
1 pound Brussels sprouts, trimmed, halved lengthwise and thinly sliced
1/4 cup pomegranate seeds

Послідовність приготування

Begin by cooking the bacon in a large skillet over medium heat until it's crisp. Once cooked, transfer the bacon to paper towels to drain. Set it aside for later use.

Reduce the skillet to only 3 tablespoons of bacon drippings. Stir in the flour using a wire whisk until it's well combined with the drippings. Then add the beef stock, pomegranate juice, sugar, mustard, thyme, and garlic powder. Cook and stir this mixture for about 2 minutes or until it starts to bubble. Then take the skillet off the heat.

Crumble the cooked bacon. Add it back to the skillet along with the thinly sliced Brussels sprouts and pomegranate seeds. Toss everything together until the Brussels sprouts are well coated with the dressing.



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