Get translated text in custom module Drupal 9
A small note on the theme of multi -language sites in Drupal 9. If in the custom module you need to get a translated field of the node or the Taxonomy term can use such a code
$path_args = explode('/', $current_path);
$language = \Drupal::languageManager()->getCurrentLanguage()->getId();
if ($path_args[1] == 'product') {
$pid = $path_args[2];
$entity_manager = \Drupal::entityTypeManager();
$product = \Drupal\commerce_product\Entity\Product::load($pid);
if (!$product->field_category->isEmpty()) {
$category_id = $product->field_category[0]->target_id;
$category = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('taxonomy_term')->load($category_id);
if ($category->hasTranslation($language)) {
$translated_term = $category->getTranslation($language);
$category_title = $translated_term->name->value;
} else {
$category_title = $category->name->value;
In this example, we get the code of the current active language of the site. After that, we check whether our category is translated in a variable $category, if so - in $translated_term the translated title of the Taxonomy term is placed, otherwise the not - translated title will be displayed.
By such an example, you can verify the availability of a translation of any field of a node or taxonomy.