Upgrade Drupal 9 to Drupal 10

Short guide how to upgrade website on Drupal 9 to Drupal 10.

First of all, you need to make sure that your site on hosting is set up to work with PHP at least 8.1 version 8.1

Before performing commands in the LCD, you should also check that all your modules have been updated before the latest version (most modules currently have a 10 version support, but some modules may not be supported, so you should check it on the module page.).

When we checked PHP and modules, we join the SSH, go to the folder of the site, and execute commands

composer require 'drupal/core-recommended:^10' --update-with-dependencies

composer require 'drupal/core-composer-scaffold' --update-with-dependencies

composer require 'drupal/core-project-message' --update-with-dependencies

Then start the script of the update at the address - https://yourwebsite.com/update.php

After that, your site is usually updated.

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