Installing Solr on CentOS 7

Today there will be a small instruction on how to install Solr on CentOS7

Installing Java

You can check if there is java on the server with one simple command

java -version

If in response they send to ... and say that the system does not know what it is, then we execute the following command

sudo yum install lsof java-1.8.0-openjdk  java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel

After that, the check should already show us which version of Java is worth.

Installing Apache Solr

We go to the off. resource and select the latest binary release


In the window that opens, copy the link to the archive


Going to the root, execute the command

curl -O

Thus, our archive will be downloaded, after which we unpack it into a folder with the name of the archive, go to the folder with the binary and run the installation script

tar xvf solr-8.5.2.tgzcd solr-8.5.2/bin/sudo ./ ~/solr-8.5.2.tgz

After installation, we check that it was installed.

sudo systemctl status solr

and enable its autorun

sudo systemctl enable solr

We open the port through which we will contact solr

sudo firewall-cmd  --permanent --add-port=8983/tcp

At this step, we can get an error that the system does not know any firewll, in which case we need to install it

sudo yum install firewalld

sudo systemctl start firewalld

we can again get an error with a mask, execute

systemctl unmask --now firewalld

and on a new start and turn on autostart + check the status

sudo systemctl start firewalld

sudo systemctl enable firewalld

sudo systemctl status firewalld

So, after installing firewalld, add a port and reload firewalld

sudo firewall-cmd  --permanent --add-port=8983/tcp

sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Now, when accessing the address http: // your_server_ip: 8983, the Solr control panel should open


After that, you can immediately add a new collection with which you will later need to work from the site (test_sol_base is a name for an example, you can name it at your discretion)

sudo su - solr -c "/opt/solr/bin/solr create -c test_sol_base -n data_driven_schema_configs"

After that, in the admin panel, we will have a new collection with data about it


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